Whyalla Show
Providing Family Fun Since 1970

August 17th- 18th \\ Jubilee Park \\ Whyalla
Whyalla Show Competition
Each year the whyalla show hosts a compition to display the talents of locals as well as people from all the country. We have many sections to help show off the final porducts of nearly any passion or hobby that someone could do. The Whyalla Show competition is a great oppotunity to showcase your work even just admire the work of others.
Over 20 catogries!
From arranged flowers to crafts and hobbies, the whyalla show has a variety of catogories to help show off the talent ofthe people in our area. some of our catogories include everything from cookery to art. for more information on all the sections in the competition download our show and competition book here!
Show Off Your Schools Talent!
We have catogories for all students from preschool to secondary school students. Displaying your schools art work is a great way to show the town your students' hard work and talent. Simply print out the entry form below and fill out the students details and follow the instructions. We also offer a $100 cash prize to the Secondary School who’s students have put the most entries in the show, either with the school or as individuals. Congratulations to the 2015winner: Stuart High School.
Beginners and Professionals!
We offer categories for all skill levels. Most sections contain seperate classes for beginners, intermediate, and professionals so each exhibitor will be competing against others of a similar skill level.